
Lena Lovegood

Posts Tagged ‘marketing

Plain and Simple

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I’ve been looking into forging new links and growing my profile on the Internet. This is by no means a simple thing to do, there are many site devoted to marketing and advertising, some offer some plain and easy to understand advice which I welcome especially now in these early days! A lot and I mean A LOT of sites require that you join their scheme that they don’t really explain properly, they use long words and scientific terms because they think it demonstrates their expertise in the field.
Lets say you joined up there and gave them an e-mail address? What happens now? Nothing, you will get messages marketing other ways to make money demanding that you sign up with them and maybe some e-books, some of which may be useful in some way to keep you interested and locked in a baffling circle of selling and advertising.

There are no “get rich quick” schemes, it is just a clever ploy. By participating in this all you are doing is assisting the scheme owners plan to bring in traffic to their sites and further line their pockets. When one of these sites claims to bring in cash at the push of button, there is a lot that they don’t tell you.
First they dazzle you with fantastic claims and stories of profit-making, there is usually a video so they can show you proof of this by logging into a ClickBank account with five and six figure balances and while they are doing it they will be telling you that this can be you too. There is an upfront cost to buy their product (its been reduced specially for you!) that may seem small but in reality this is only the beginning of the draw that they can create on your bank account, because there are a lot of other costs that are involved and more products and services they want to sell you.
They are exploiting you and they exploiting the system by pushing next to useless information up the ranks of search engines to pull in revenues for them and not you; a system that relies on people that they don’t know personally to do all the hard work for them.

OK, I’ve said my piece on it for now and if you happen to read this and have a different experience of this area and lets say that you are successful at it then please contact me through this Blog and let me know me just how you did it? My main aim now is to begin to build some articles week by week to provide some plain and simple tips and advice about how to succeed in Internet Marketing. This involves the old-fashioned way of honest hard work and a lot self promotion!

In my next post I shall take a back to basics approach to help those who are starting out like me. Using plain English and a step by step system to begin making money on the Internet. I am sure there are other places that can provide this information too and if any of you would like to link to me here, please let me know.

Written by lovegoodsmoney

January 12, 2011 at 7:54 am